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Processing workflow - from Lightroom to Photoshop
Saturday 22 October 2022, 10:00 - 15:00
Hits : 780
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The morning session will be jointly hosted by Alice and Pauric.  The session will start off with Alice discussing Lightroom workflow and bring the group through editing and workflow basics with the group working on the same image as she demonstrates.  In the later end of the session the workflow will move to Photoshop.  Alice will first explain her basic approach of working from a JPEG before handing over to Pauric for a more detailed approach in Photoshop.  After the lunch break students can return to work on their own images practicing some of the approaches covered in the morning with the backup of Alice and Pauric if needed.

This workshop will be free to members, but attendance will be restricted to 10 attendees and registration will be necessary.