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Notice Board - Meetings

Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

Formal complaints must be made in writing to the club secretary. However, it is suggested that complainants talk through their complaint with the club secretary before putting in writing.

The club secretary shall then forward complaint to the complaints officer, which may be the club secretary or any of the club's committee members. It should not be anyone connected in any way with the complaint or personally connected to either the complainant or the person whom the complaint has been made.

All formal complaints will be acknowledged in writing by the club secretary, who identifies the complaints officer.

The complaints officer will set a time for enquiries and communicate this to the complainant.

The complaints officer shall keep a file on complaint.

On completion of enquiries, the complaints officer will communicate the decision to the complainant and place a record of the decision on file. The complainant shall be made aware of their right of appeal on any findings.

Where a complaint is upheld and leads to an issue of discipline, the consequences will be dealt with by the members of club committee.

Appeals Procedure

Complainant shall have a period of 21 days to object to finding, if deemed necessary.

The appeal shall be handled by a subcommittee of at least three members of the club committee.

The appeal shall be dealt with under the same procedural rules as the original complaint.

Complainant shall abide by committee findings.

Complaint Form 
In order for the Dublin Camera Club to address your complaint, you must provide the following information.

1. Name of the Person(s) or Organisation(s) filing the Complaint (“the Complainant”).


2. Contact information of the Complainant
please include email address and phone number if possible.


3. Is there a representative (advocate) making this Complaint on behalf of the Complainant?
if yes, please provide the Name and Contact information of the advocate:


Please attach proof that the advocate has been authorised by the Complainant to file the Complaint. For example, this can be in the form of a letter signed by the Complainant giving permission to the advocate to make the Complaint on his / her behalf.

5. Please provide a description of the issue.


Date & Time Incident Occurred:

If more than 1 occasion, list most recent incident


6. Have you contacted a member of the Council of Dublin Camera Club to try to resolve this issue?
If yes, please list when the contact was made, how and with whom:

7. Please also describe any response you may have received.

8. Is the written record of this contact with the Dublin Camera Club attached to your complaint?

Yes (please list)

If not, please arrange for all relevant documents to be delivered to the Honorary Secretary as soon as possible.

Complainant / Advocate Signature:



Please send your Complaint to:

Attn:         Honorary Secretary

       Dublin Camera Club

       10 Lower Camden Street

       Dublin 2


E-mail:      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alternatively, a Complaint may be delivered by hand, to the club at any club evening meeting, indicating that it is for transmission to the Honorary Secretary.

Please write on a separate sheet wherever needed.

Date received: Received by:
Investigated by: Completion date:

8.0        Document History

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